What? To me, prison seems to be like some sort of holiday, where prisoners can rest between bouts of crime in their normal life.
Other changes to the Incentives and Earned Privileges schemes will include:
· A longer working day for prisoners
· A ban on films with an 18 certificate
· Extra gym time being dependent "on active engagement with rehabilitation"
· Restricted privileges, including access to private cash, for prisoners in the first two weeks of their sentence. They must also wear uniform at entry level
· Prisoners then put on either basic or standard "IEP level" depending on how they "co-operate with the regime or engage in rehabilitation"
· Those on basic level no longer allowed TVs in cells
There's more: A BBC home affairs correspondent has reported that police are encouraged to deal with minor incidents in an informal way to reduce the burden on the criminal justice system. Offenders who admit to serious and violent crimes, including knife crime, domestic violence, and serious assault, are let off with no criminal record, no justice and not even a caution.
As part of this approach, known as a community resolution, or restorative justice, the offender apologizes to the victim, pays compensation or repairs any damage caused, and is given advice about his or her behavior.
Police guidelines state: community resolutions should be used for less serious offences which may include minor assaults without injury.
Something is very wrong here in the UK. Criminals are given preferential treatment, while citizens who have always obeyed the law and contributed to society are left to struggle. I like England. I arrived to work in this land of opportunities, seeking refuge from a disastrous first marriage in Australia. But the government seems to be bending backward to give opportunities to all. Some call it the nanny state. But nannies hand out rules and insist on children conforming. Their young charges don't want to be sent to the naughty corner, which represents restriction and alienation. Why don't prisons fulfill the same role?
Does the prison system work near you?