Bright burning objects illuminated the sky for hundreds of kilometres as they crashed into the Ural region. Chelyabinsk residents reported shaking ground and car alarms being set off by shock waves. Windows shattered, causing most of the injuries which hospitalized over one hundred people. Emergency services are rushing to the devastated area full of collapsed buildings. The Chelyabinsk region is Russia's industrial heartland, an area that has many factories, a nuclear power plant and the Mayak atomic waste storage and treatment centre.

Recent new evidence has revealed that dinosaurs did die out after a six mile long asteroid hit the planet. Before the cosmic explosion, many creatures were brought to the brink of extinction by dramatic climate swings in the preceding million years, including long cold snaps. The asteroid collision with Earth has now been dated to 66,038,000 years ago. The new extinction date is precise to within 11,000 years.
I don't want to vanish like a dinosaur.