Newly found extrasolar planets, or exoplanets, are part of a vast menagerie of celestial bodies NASA has discovered 1,200 light-years away in recent years. Our Milky Way galaxy alone is now known to have hundreds of billions of planets circling its stars. Exoplanets that are Earth-size, are rocky or watery, or that exist in habitable zones in relation to their suns have all been found before. But two newly discovered planets appear to meet all three criteria. And because of their sizes and orbits, the newfound planets are likely either rocky—like Earth—or watery, NASA scientists said.
The Romans conquered and converted locals to their system during the time of Christ and beyond. When they invaded England to harvest precious metals, they changed the structure of the Ugly British way of life from small villages to well-structured towns.
By AD 61, the Romans were in control of southern Britain. Many of the inhabitants adopted Roman ways. Trouble started in East Anglia. Prasutagus, the king of the Iceni tribe, was a friend of the Romans. When he died, he left half his kingdom to the Roman emperor, and half to his wife, Queen Boudicca. The Romans wanted it all. They also wanted extra taxes and they wanted Boudicca to give up her throne. With reluctance, she tried to fit in, but when they raped and killed her daughters while she watched, she vowed revenge.
I'm not sure human nature has changed. Would man invade new worlds they found? Even if they considered the inhabitants ugly and uncivilized, would they rape the women?
Or are the scientists indulging in curiosity? Are they satisfying our wonder at being alone in the universe? We don't have the technology to travel hundreds of light years to visit the Earth-like planets anyway. Perhaps we just need to know there are other forms of life beyond our understanding. In the meantime, let's conquer the weakness in human nature.