Is this catastrophe another case of the Earth fighting back? Or simply a natural movement of the planet's tectonic plates— in other words, the forces that produce movement and deformation of the Earth's crust?
History of earthquakes. I counted 47 deadly earthquakes since 18 April 1906, when San Francisco was hit by a series of violent shocks which lasted up to a minute. Between 700 and 3,000 people died either from collapsing buildings or in the subsequent fire. They are listed on
After the quake, witnesses reported seeing a small island off the coast near the port of Gwadar. People gathered on the beach to see the new island of about 9m (30ft) high and 100m long.
Pakistan's military responded quickly to the crisis with the heavy presence already in the area because of their fight against a long-running separatist Baloch insurgency. The army sent more than 200 soldiers, medical teams and tents from the regional capital Quetta, but the mountainous terrain is hampering the rescue operation.
Lord, we don't need another (insert - island). "What the World Needs Now Is Love" Listen to the 1965 popular song with lyrics by Hal David and music composed by Burt Bacharach. Posted by RoundMidnightTV.